Rocky Riegel dealt with many years of pain and complications from becoming a partial foot amputee from a lawn mower accident that happened when he was a child in 1967.  He chose to become a below-knee amputee in January of 2016 (right leg) to help alleviate the complications he dealt with for so long.  Rocky chose Action Prosthetics from a referral from his podiatrist, Dr. Robb Maher.  Rocky also lives in Greenville and we have an office there!

Rocky has a carbon fiber socket which utilizes an energy-storing foot.  Rocky simply says his leg makes him mobile again.  He’s able to do the things he loves…drive his truck (He often travels to Florida to see his son.), go shopping, get out and socialize and in his words, “bug people”!  Rocky is truly a rowdy force; he doesn’t give up when life gets hard!  The Action Prosthetics’ staff is just so proud of him!

Rocky says his experiences with Action Prosthetics have been wonderful.  He likes that Karl (Burk, prosthetist) is very easy to work with.  Rocky said, “Karl really knows what he’s doing (when making-working on his prosthetic leg).”

When asked if Rocky would recommend Action Prosthetics, he said, “Yes…of course!”

It has been a fun experience working with Rocky and we look forward to serving him with his future prosthetic needs!



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