A.C.T.I.O.N. Amputee Group held its monthly meeting on April 8th!  We had a special guest speaker- Charlie Miranda, Marketing Development Specialist from Neuros Medical.  He spoke to the group about a nerve block technology for persons with limb loss who deal with a lot of pain in their residual limb.  He described how the Altius System is implanted and how the patient uses it to help alleviate pain.  Charlie even brought one of his patients who is using the system as a below knee amputee.  That patient said this Altius nerve block technology has totally changed her life!  Thank you, Charlie, for taking the time to share about the Altius nerve block technology with our group as residual limb pain is one of the most popular topics in our group.

If you would like more information about Neuros Medical’s Altius nerve block system, please call:  440-951-2565.

AMPUTEES COMING TOGETHER TO INFORM OTHERS’ NEEDS meets every 2nd Monday of the month at 5:00pm at Story Point Senior Living (2nd floor media room) in Troy, Ohio.  Questions?  Call Molly at 937-339-1123.



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