Kevin Smith is a left below-knee amputee from cancer that started in his big toe. His leg was amputated in September of 2012. Kevin met Karl (Burk…Prosthetist) when he was in the hospital and he has happily, “stuck with him!”
Kevin has a pin suspension system housed in a carbon fiber socket which utilizes a College Park Soleus energy-storing foot. He says his experiences at Action Prosthetics have been great! Kevin jokingly says the best thing about his prosthetic leg is that he can use it to pound someone in the head! But, in all seriousness, he simply says his prosthetic leg enables him to get around in everyday activities such as daily running of errands, mowing and chasing after his 11 grand kids! Kevin is currently re-doing the house he recently moved into which involves climbing ladders, laying carpet and painting! He’s also able to go fishing again.
When asked if Kevin would recommend Action Prosthetics, he said, “Oh…Yes!”